Jhonnly Jn Baptiste is Cleaning up the Environment in Haiti Through Youth for Oceans

In Climate, environment, Publisher Channel by Mary Kurek

Jhonnly is an awarded young environmental advocate who understands how education can help a community correct waste problems. He is the Co-Coordinator for Global Youth Biodiversity Network and the Co-Founder of Youth for Oceans, both established in Haiti. Jhonnly has a passion for the UN SDGs, particularly, #14, which is “Life Below Water,” and dictates that we should “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.” He takes his mission and leadership responsibility seriously and works with youth volunteers to educate, advocate, and create projects that impact the environmental health of the rich water (and land) resources around Haiti.

Jhonnly shares his work with Mary Kurek, Frontrunners Innovate Producer and Host.

Meet Jhonnly Jn Baptiste.  (17-minute video)

Jhonnly Jn Baptiste’s Bio:

Jhonnly Jn Baptiste’s Contact:

Youth For Oceans Linktr.ee:  https://linktr.ee/YouthForOceans


Mary Kurek

President & CEO Frontrunners Development, Inc.
Global Business Developer 

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