Healthcare in Africa: Panel Conversation with Angela Unufe and Michaelene Holder March

In Africa, Empowerment, Health, Health Tech, Live Introductions, Publisher Channel by Blessing Enofe

Angela Unufe starts this conversation on healthcare in Africa with panel guests from Africa: Judith Obioma (Nigeria), Doreen Andoh (Ghana), and Blessing Enofe (Nigeria). These 3 guests are involved in the Mentor Her to Greatness Program headquartered in Nigeria that teaches digital skills to young women.

Angela Unufe currently lives in the UK and is a healthcare professional with experience in nursing, administration, NGO development, and now, business development with medical devices. Later joined by Michaelene Holder March of MHM Health Consultancy headquartered in the UK, the conversation turned to the Leaders in Health & Tech Summit that Michaelene is producing in Ghana, in November 2022.

The guests asked career-path-related questions that revealed some of the training conditions in the healthcare space in Africa.  

Meet the Speakers

The Speakers Bios

Michaelene Holder-March

Founder/ CEO Michaelene Holder-March

Michaelene Holder-March RN, RM, LLB (Hons)MSc. FCMi, FInstAM, FInstLM, Associate of Royal Society of Medicine

CQC Specialist Adviser with NHS Digital Clinical Safety (CB 0129 and DCB 0160), Contributor at National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). CEO of MHM Health Consultancy Ltd & NURUHMan – she advises leading companies on a broad range of strategic topics, with a particular focus on thought leadership, performance transformation, change the process, and organizational behavior/development.

She has worked with many health providers, government bodies, Social Services, and Mental Health Providers. With Hospices, Pharmaceutical Companies, Physician Groups, and Acute and Primary Trust. Including electronic health digital providers (Cerner, Badgernet, Fujitsu, British Telecom, CSC, Big-hand, Euro-King), etc. Also, she was previously named as one of the top 100 “most influential black people in Britain. And one of the WinTrade President Awards.

Dr Angela Unufe-Kennedy

Dr Angela Unufe-Kennedy

We have previously interviewed Dr Angela Unufe-Kennedy. So, for more information about her, as well as for her bio and contact information, make sure to click and read.

Michaelene Holder-March’s Contact and Resources

You are invited to Michaelene’s Leaders in Health & Tech Summit taking place in Ghana. See flier and Youtube Channel here for streaming.

Michaelene Holder-March’s website:

Connect with Michaelene on LinkedIn

Special Thanks to Our Panel Guests from Africa

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Doreen Andoh (an Optometry student) and Judith Odoemena (a nurse) are participants of the 3-month Mentor Her to Greatness program, where Mary Kurek and Blessing Enofe mentor them, alongside 3 other ladies, on Careers in Technology and Innovation.