Brad Ringeisen Works to Bring CRISPR Innovation to Climate Change

In Climate, Health Tech, Publisher Channel by Mary Kurek

Along with the multitude of innovation tasks on his plate, Brad Ringeisen, Exec. Dir. of the Innovative Genomics Institute (IGI) at UC Berkeley, brings a special passion to the work of applying CRISPR technology to solving some of our planet’s toughest problems.

Ringeisen has more invested at DARPA (research and innovation) than most people have invested in raising kids, but, what a perfect lead-in for his work at the Institute in Berkeley. Genomics is a field generally known by us, but, not really understood. What will be a mind-bender for you (based on what you think you know) is that the work they are doing there doesn’t stop at improving health and preventing serious illness.  Genomics, and in particular, CRISPR, can approach anything living.  Let that sink in, and now, you are ready for the rest of the story.

In this interview with Frontrunners Innovate Producer, Mary Kurek, Ringeisen not only talks about genomics work going on at the Institute that will save lives and better the health of millions but, also, how the groundbreaking work they are doing in agriculture and CRISPR can impact the climate crisis. This is a need-to-know conversation that you need to know.

Meet Brad Ringeisen.  (27-minute video)

Brad Ringeisen’s Short Bio:

Brad Ringeisen is a physical chemist with a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a pioneer in the field of live cell printing, and an experienced administrator of scientific research and product development.

Before joining the IGI, Brad was Director of the Biological Technologies Office at DARPA, where he managed a division working at the cutting edges of biology, physical sciences, and engineering. Programs in Brad’s office included research in genome editing, epigenetics, neurotechnology, and marine science, as well as diagnostics and therapeutics development. Prior to DARPABrad ran his own research group at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory as the head of the Bioenergy and Biofabrication Section.

Brad Ringeisen’s Contact:


Mary Kurek

President & CEO Frontrunners Development, Inc.
Global Business Developer 

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