Godfrey Chacha Works to Prepare Youth for Success in Tanzania

In Africa, Africa Innovators and Influencers, Publisher Channel, Youth by Mary Kurek

Godfrey Chacha is a Youth Development Specialist at the Prime Minister’s Office in the United Republic of Tanzania. His work focuses on programs that will assist the up-and-coming workforce in the country. The programs develop opportunities, build leadership skills, scholarship education for those that need assistance, provide volunteer opportunities, and empower youth with self-advocacy.  Chacha informs that the voices of the youth are very important and there are vehicles for youth to express themselves and offer feedback.  Chacha’s social work background serves him in his current role, as well as his personal dedication to improving the landscape for youth in Tanzania.

Chacha shares information about his work with Frontrunners Innovate Producer, Mary Kurek, and Tanzanian youth leader, Namara Lwansa, in this informative interview.  Meet Godfrey Chacha.  (44-min video)

Godfrey Chacha’s Bio:

Godfrey Chacha’s Contact:

Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/godfrey-nyaisa-chacha-650a673a/

Prime Minister’s Office:  https://www.pmo.go.tz/

Blog:  https://wazirimkuu.blogspot.com/

Mr. Godfrey Chacha (Senior Youth development Office) in the Prime Minister’s Office giving information to young people on how they can grasp various youth opportunities available through the Prime Minister’s Office during the National Youth week Forum in Zanzibar (United Republic of Tanzania).








Mary Kurek

President & CEO Frontrunners Development, Inc.
Global Business Developer 

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