Dr. Hassan Rengou Talks About The World Youth Summit and the Lead Like Mandela Forum

In Africa, Africa Innovators and Influencers, Economic Development, Publisher Channel, Youth by Blessing Enofe

Dr. Hassan Rengou is the founder and CEO of the World Youth Summit, a nonprofit organization represented in more than 57 countries across the globe whose aim is to become a committed global champion for the education and employment of youth. They work through humanitarian efforts to achieve intellectual independence and financial freedom. Their educational events and summit gatherings bring participation from global diplomats and leaders in every sector connected to the UN SDGs. In this conversation with Frontrunners Development CEO, Mary Kurek, and Co-Host, John Lukoye of the Joedy Foundation, Kenya, Dr. Rengou talks about how the World Youth Summit has evolved and their upcoming “Lead Like Mandela” event to be held in Cyprus. (Event Dates:  April 1-3, 2023)

Meet Dr. Hassan Rengou

Dr. Hassan Rengou’s Bio

Dr. Hassan Rengou’s Contact

Dr. Hassan Rengou’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drhassanmfouakie/

Dr. Hassan Rengou’s Organization and for details on the Lead Like Mandela Forum) www.worldyouthsummit.org 

Special Thanks to Our Co-host:  Lukoye John, Joedy Foundation, Kenya

Lukoye John, Joedy Foundation


Connect with John on Linkedin:






Mary Kurek

President & CEO Frontrunners Development, Inc.
Global Business Developer 

Mary Kurek Signature