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Stephen Hobbs’ Favorite Mentor Was a 14-Year-Old Girl With a Gun Pointed at His Face

In Economic Development, Mentorship, Publisher Channel by Mary Kurek

Dr. Stephen Hobbs spends a lot of his hours in the day working on his business, Wellth Movement Calgary, which is situated in the wellness space.  It’s very much about helping people to live a whole life. But, he’s also working on a grandparents/grandkids nature project and a mentor certification program.  Add to that some large-scale global infrastructure projects with …

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Mario Regis of the Abundance Program Promotes New Mindset for Community Problem Solving

In Climate, Economic Development, Publisher Channel by Mary Kurek

It’s no secret that we believe significant impact is where the goal should be in achieving solutions to big problems with lots of political and social “moving parts.”  But getting to a doable solution is nearly impossible for so many communities around the world and innovators who believe they have the golden ticket to impact.  Enter, the Abundance Program – …