Rasha Hammad of Youth Underground Fights Human Trafficking Through Awareness and Education Policy

In Human Rights, Publisher Channel by Mary Kurek

Rasha Hammad is located in Geneva, Switzerland where she has accomplished something pretty remarkable – she’s been able to get education on human trafficking as a part of school curriculums in that country.  She works this hard having, seen within the roles she’s had in major NGOs, how people are focusing on the wrong issues of human trafficking.  Once you start to dissect the “business” of human trafficking, then you can understand how best to prevent, educate, and in Rasha’s case, advocate for policy integration into schools to inform potential victims.  She founded Youth Underground with this mission in mind.

“We do our best to guide the youth, but at the end of the day, they also guide us. This is what Youth Underground is all about.”  Rasha Hammad
Rasha talks with Frontrunners Innovate Producer and Business Developer, Mary Kurek, about Youth Underground, and how she’s moving this much-needed conversation into schools with age-appropriate awareness information that saves lives.

Meet Rasha Hammad.  (31-minute video)  Note:  The video below the interview is a snippet of a Youth Underground panel conversation. 

Rasha’s Bio:

Rasha Hammad’s Contact & Resources:

Website:  https://youth-underground.com/

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/YouthUnderground.CH/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/youthundg

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/youth.underground/

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjmd1dQIhXFBlyMAwix0T6A

OdysseyNow TV interview

CNN PSA: The new threats to students during the pandemic 

T.I.N.T. Youth Podcast: Talking about the taboo

Geneva Solutions: Child trafficking: ‘it can happen to anyone,’ warns Geneva NGO

The CNN Freedom Project: Galvanizing the global youth


Mary Kurek

President & CEO Frontrunners Development, Inc.
Global Business Developer 

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