Mother: A True Heroine by Poetess Chaitali Sinha

In Art and Culture by Mary Kurek

Carrying a life in her womb,
Bearing pain for nine months,
Giving the heir to the family,
She gets pleasure to be a mother.

For her, her child is most important,
Tears from their eyes is the biggest hurt,
Filling their stomach with love is the hobby,
And protecting her own flesh is her job.

She sacrifices everything for her child,
From food to sleep, from interests to profession,
A scratch on her child, boils her blood.
And their safety is her only concern.

She wants to give them the best,
She wants her child to get all the pleasure,
Her happiness lies in the smile of her blood,
She considers them as stars of her eyes.

Truly, God can’t be present everywhere,
Thus, he created a pure hearten mother,
‘Preet’ dedicates this poem to all the moms,
And thank God for creation of these innocent souls.

Poetess, Chaitali Sinha

A very happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mothers of the world.