Mario Regis of the Abundance Program Promotes New Mindset for Community Problem Solving

In Climate, Economic Development, Publisher Channel by Mary Kurek

It’s no secret that we believe significant impact is where the goal should be in achieving solutions to big problems with lots of political and social “moving parts.”  But getting to a doable solution is nearly impossible for so many communities around the world and innovators who believe they have the golden ticket to impact.  Enter, the Abundance Program – the brainchild of Mario Regis and his partners who promote a shift in mindset between government, the people they serve, and potential partners to get to sustainable progress.  A marriage of this kind in third world countries?  Mario gives us a resounding “YES!”  And, he shares details on the work with Mary Kurek.

Meet Mario Regis.  (36-minute interview)

More on the Abundance Program below.

Mario Regis with Uruguay’s former President, Pepe Mujica, in Montevideo, December 2016 during a conversation around Mujica’s support for the Abundance Program.

Mario’s Contact:
