Kevin Albin Advocates for Climate Action and Conservation Through Adventure Storytelling

In Climate, Planet, Publisher Channel by Mary Kurek

Frontrunners Podcast


Stonechild, by Kevin Albin

Kevin Albin’s advocacy work today looks a bit different from what it did pre-pandemic, but, no less effective.  As much an educator as an advocate, Kevin uses story-telling using voices from the historic statues of London to bring to life lessons on planet stewardship.  His book, Stonechild, shows us all how to integrate youth into the advocacy-to-action world; and he does it through an unexpected high adventure experience.  But, the thread that brings Kevin to the work he’s doing now started in what you might think an unlikely place…law enforcement.  He shares his story with Frontrunners Innovate Producer and Host, Mary Kurek.

Meet Kevin Albin of The Climate Reality Project.  (27-minute video)



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Kevin Albin’s Short Bio:

Kevin Albin’s Contact:

Website: (Includes access to Podcasts)


The Climate Reality Project:

Stonechild by Kevin Albin:  

Available for purchase through Amazon US

Mary Kurek

President & CEO Frontrunners Development, Inc.
Global Business Developer 

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