Fundraising Ideas and Grantwriting Tips for Nonprofits and Charities

In Funding, Publisher Channel, Resources by Mary Kurek


On July 8th, 2022, Mary Kurek, Frontrunners Development President, and CEO along with Aaron Smith, Ph.D., Founder of Workplace Readiness Solutions, hosted a webinar to deliver fundraising ideas and tips along with grant writing information and resources.  The mission was to help nonprofits and charities build sustainability into their budgets.  The webinar was video recorded and is shared below with audio version above.

Access to the documents shared in this webinar is found in a link below the interview.

Click here for access to the PDFs of the 25 Fundraising Ideas & Tips and the Grantwriting Tips, Checklist, and Template.


Mary Kurek

President & CEO Frontrunners Development, Inc.
Global Business Developer 

Mary Kurek Signature