From the Student View: What Back To School Means During Pandemic

In Features24 by Mary Kurek

Marley Dozier

Ava Wettrick

Ava Wettrick and Marley Dozier are miles apart geographically, and in age, they are just a few years apart, but, they share some similar issues and concerns when it comes to making education work for them during this pandemic year.

Ava is a 2nd-year college student and Marley is a 3rd-year high school student.  Both are based in the US.  For them, the changes they’ve had to make for education in this pandemic year have created a social vacuum, but, they’ve also found the extra time not spent in school means they’ve been able to take advantage in some very positive ways.  Meet Ava and Marley in this interview with Publisher, Mary Kurek.  (20-minute video)




Contact for Ava and Marley:

Ava on Linkedin:

Marley on Linkedin: