Elaine Sugar Helps Children Find Their Voice and Build Self-Esteem

In Publisher Channel by Mary Kurek

Elaine Sugar is the Founder and CEO of Kids More S.U.G.A.R., LLC.  She’s on a mission to help teens learn about financial basics and discover their own voice.  She wants children of all ages to learn that they are valued, and she accomplishes her mission through programs and podcasts, which are being happily embraced by her community.  The local Police Athletic League has brought Sugar and her programs under their umbrella, and it’s working.  Her unique style of presentation and how she engages such a diverse audience is a mystery she shares with Publisher, Mary Kurek.

Meet Elaine Sugar.  (24-min video)

Elaine Sugar’s Contact:

Links to website and all social:  https://linktr.ee/ElaineSugar