Chrissy Sykes Uses Music to Create Awareness on Child Abuse with the Free My Body is My Body Program

In Child Abuse, Human Rights, Human Trafficking, Publisher Channel by Mary Kurek

Chrissy Sykes will tell you she’s a songwriter, but, she’s really a hero to so many across the globe. Nudged by the tragedy of a little girl’s horrible death several years ago, Chrissy wrote a song titling it with the girl’s name. A spontaneous performance of that song at a dinner party in Texas inspired the movement forward of an entire program called My Body is My Body.  This free music-based program has been adopted by many schools and organizations as a way to create awareness for signs of child abuse and to open a door for communication about abuse atrocities.

Chrissy shared her story and how she’s moving her free program around the world with Frontrunners Innovate Producer and Host, Mary Kurek.  Meet Chrissy Sykes.  (39-minute video)

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Mary Kurek

President & CEO Frontrunners Development, Inc.
Global Business Developer 

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